- Cast:ย Sharafudheen, Johny Antony, George Kora, Asha Madathil, and Meenakshi
- Director:ย George Kora
- Producer:ย Abraham Joseph T
- Music:ย Vishnu Varma
- Runtime:ย 2 hours
Failure FC is the essence of Tholvi FC. In itself, the title encapsulates the essence of the film.
It is the narrative of a family in which a husband and wife, along with their children, endeavour to pursue a passion.
Although the topic of unemployment remains a popular topic among filmmakers, the central characters in Tholvi FC are not impoverished; rather, they make a concerted effort to achieve success in their own unique manner.
George Kora, the director, humorously recounts the challenges they encounter.
Oommen Kuruvila (Sharafudeen) is an aspiring entrepreneur. He is the proprietor of a tea shop situated in front of an IT park in Kochi, and his aspiration is to establish a multinational tea shop chain. He is relentless in his pursuit of his aspirations.
Thambi, Oommen’s junior sibling, is an enthusiastic football player. His objective is to have a successful football squad comprised of minors. Thambi FC is the name of his football organisation.
Kuruvila (Johny Antony) and Shoshamma (Asha Madathil), their parents, are at odds. Kuruvila disregards the future when allocating funds.
He is evicted from the residence by his wife after he incurs losses in a cryptocurrency deception. He withdraws funds from their joint account in order to invest in cryptocurrency.
Kuruvila visits Oommen’s tea establishment and lodges with him after being evicted from his residence. Kuruvila is taken aback when Oomen extends an invitation to his father to become an employee of his tea establishment, and he also provides a salary.
The director maintains the audience’s interest by narrating all of these events in a light-hearted manner.
Shoshamma’s aspiration is to become a suspense novelist. However, her pursuit of her aspiration is hindered by delays.
Thambi is experiencing exhaustion due to the fact that his aspiration to own a football team has not yet materialised.
In the interim, Mariyam (Meenakshi) enters Thambi’s existence. She is a classmate of his at his school and shares his enthusiasm for athletics.
Additionally, the film features numerous children who are members of the football club. The entire narrative revolves around the family’s ability to surmount their obstacles and achieve success.
Addresses key issues
Despite the fact that Tholvi FC is classified as a comical production, the director made a concerted effort to address several pressing issues.
For instance, he discusses the issue of early marriage and divorce among women.
Meenakshi, a divorced woman, is outspoken about her lack of autonomy in life.
She informs Thambi in a scene that she has never had the opportunity to live her life on her own terms, whereas he has been doing so. She also questions why individuals feel pity for her due to her divorce.
The film also addresses the significant issue of smartphone addiction among children. A fraudulent man in the persona of a female child deceives a child character through Instagram. This provides insight into the extent to which smartphones and the internet are affecting children.
The film also illustrates how parents, who are oblivious of the repercussions, provide their children with smartphones in order to maintain their interest.
Nevertheless, the primary focus of Tholvi FC is the aspirations of the four-member family.
The relationship between Oommen and his father Kuruvila is reminiscent of films such as Ishtam (2001), in which Dileep and Nedumudi Venu portrayed a father and son, and Manassinakkare (2003), directed by Jayaram-Innocent.
In the script, director George Kora effectively integrates every aspect of the current era.
Oommen, Thambi, and Kuruvila’s comedy and one-liners, as well as their combination sequences, are highly effective.
The family continues to encounter significant challenges, despite the fact that their residence is known as “Victory Hill.” What a farce!
The feel-good atmosphere of the film is complemented by the excellent compositions of Vishnu Varma, Sijin Thomas, and Kartik Krishna.
Additionally, the melody that concludes the film is noteworthy.
The narrative is adequately represented by Shyamprakash MS’s cinematography.
The filmmaker’s decision to introduce a robot-like mechanism at a critical juncture in the film is a more astute one. Entrepreneurs should take this seriously.
The film explores the cognitive and behavioural processes of contemporary youth, as well as their preferences for excessive partying and enjoyment of life.
Strong female archetypes
It is heartwarming to observe the strong female characters of Tholvi FC, such as Mariyam and Shoshamma, who are not afraid to take a stand.
Shoshamma’s request for her spouse to vacate the residence represents a departure from the conventional stereotypical narrative. Asha Madathil’s portrayal of Shoshamma is noteworthy.
Meenakshi’s portrayal of Mariyam is indicative of the aspirations of contemporary women. The youthful actress executes her role with exquisite skill.
The movie is propelled forward by the partnership of Sharafudheen and Johny Antony, and both actors are at their most effective in the comedy sequences.
Thambi is portrayed fairly well by George Kora.
The movie Tholvi FC is the most relatable and authentic representation of the challenges faced by individuals of various generations as they pursue their pursuits.